FSA Skaters Compete in Hoorn
The 2023-24 competitive season is ramping up. FSA’s team of scorekaarten competitors took to the ice in Hoorn, November 19, for the 2023 WKC Interclub Trophy and three of our skaters reached the podium.
Angelina Kortes was second in the Pupillen 2 division, while Madeline Stumpf finished first and Ashley Cheung was third in the ladies Aspiranten 2B category. It was the first competition of the season for Madeline, Ashley and also for Solenza Subileau, who was sixth in Pupillen 2.
Hoorn was also the competitive debut for Amal Mouslih, 11th in Aspiranten 1A; Jasmijn Sijmons, 13th in Aspiranten 2A; and twins Rebecca Bernard Moss and Emilie Bernard Moss, who finished seventh and eighth, respectively, in Starters 1.
Congratulations to all who participated.

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