A Team Strong at Season Opener in Den Bosch

FSA skaters kicked off the 2024-2025 competitive season at Sportiom in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, October 12-13, with the first KNSB A Challenge Cup series qualifier.

Star Hoen topped the field in Basic Novice with 35.21 points. Teammate Yuna Parcily was seventh with 29.15. Tasia Usenko placed 10th with 27.47, and Amélie Taube finished 13th with 21.31.

In Advanced Novice, Ksenia Usenko’s score of 68.62 landed her in sixth place overall, fifth in the short programme; nineth in the long.) Elsbeth Marck was 11th overall, 11thin the short programme; 12th in the long. Her total score was 58.69.

Great start to the season, ladies.